Saturday, January 31, 2009


Most obstacles are imaginary; the rest are only temporary.
-Scott Sorrell

If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
-Michael Jordan

"It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down resistance, sweeps away all obstacles."
-Claude M. Bristo

When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.
-Les Brown

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
-Henry Ford

Leaders learn by leading, and they learn best by leading in the face of obstacles. As weather shapes mountains, problems shape leaders.
-Warren Bennis

If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles.
-Karl von Clausewitz

Some minds seem almost to create themselves, springing up under every disadvantage and working their solitary but irresistible way through a thousand obstacles.
-Washington Irving

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow Beauty and Fun

Leah enjoys the snow at Grammies house.

Here are some of the Snow Pics

Note the ice fringe!
The barn

More barn

This is how much snow we got

Frozen beauty
Limbs hanging low
Peaceful and cold

Tylers Basketball Game

Tyler plays basketball - although the coach taped his pockets closed so Ty would keep his hands out of them

Yo Rocky

When Matt was in last weekend, the kids watched a couple of the Rocky movies - and this was the result:


Snow - The White Death!

Today is the 4th day of being snowed in! One of the down sides of working from home - you can still work as long as there is power. So - on day 1 (Tuesday) I made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup for lunch and barbecue for dinner, and worked as it sleeted, hailed and rained on top of the 4 inches of snow we got overnight. The second night we got six or seven more inches of snow - on top of the layer of ice - a snow-reo I heard it called. The town is shut down. Joe was already scheduled off work - JR and Les were also home with me. I took my work back to the guest bedroom and hunkered down. Made Beef Stroganoff for dinner. I hear Ty and Leah were sledding and playing in the snow. Yesterday, day 3 Joe was scheduled off work again - so he took me to physical therapy and to the grocery. Five minutes after returning from home we lost power - but only for an hour or so. Ty and Leah were already scheduled to visit so Julie and Curt could go to a concert in Dayton. So Joe also went out again to pick them up. They ended up spending the night. So here we are at day 4. I am scheduled off work - but I have things to do so I have to work for a little bit. And I have to finish my annual review - that is due today - and that I've been trying to work on all week. Ty and Leah are off school again - because the roads are still not clear and we got another inch of snow overnight.
Here are some pictures of Julie and Leah's snowman.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Matt was home this weekend

Matt came home Thursday evening. He's in between his move from Jacksonville to Oklahoma City. He went to Skyline every day for at least one meal. We had family dinners Thursday (at Skyline), Friday and Saturday. I spent Friday going to physical therapy, the grocery, and then cooking dinner. Curt was off work, so he was able to come for the family dinner. The lasagna, salad, and pineapple upside down cake were a big hit. Early Saturday morning, we all went to Tyler's basketball game. It was freezing - especially for Matt who has spent 2 1/2 years in Florida. Tyler scored 2 baskets, and got a rebound. After the game, Leah came home with us, Tyler went home with his Mom. After lunch, Leah and I baked cookies, played cards, took a nap. Later, when Tyler and Julie came over, we watched a Rocky marathon (what a lesson for T and L!). I hemmed 2 pairs of suit pants for him, and repaired another pair (that he had fixed with staples!) After dinner, they had a boxing (thanks Rocky) and wrestling match with Matt on the living room floor.
Mat left at 5AM Sunday morning for Oklahoma City. He had a long, but easy drive and arrives around 6:30PM our time. He was ensconced in his suite at the hotel, reading the room service menu when we last talked. He is safe - and starting a new adventure!
Picturs from dinner

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tyler is having Fun on His Sick day

This morning after my physical therapy I went to visit Julie and the kids who were all home sick. The kids and I colored pictures while Julie snoozed on the couch.

Leah's Lost Tooth

I hear there was some great drama surrounding the loss of Leah's first tooth. There was lots of tears, and angst - until the tooth came out and it didn't hurt. This picture is kind of fuzzy ...

More pictures of the Nooney

A Snowy Day

We had some snow the other day - just a small amount - but it was great! Lady loved it!

Aunt Mary - A Beautiful 90 Years

On Sunday I attended an open house for Dad's sister - my Aunt Mary. She was 90 years old on Saturday. As you can see - she looks fabulous. She says her memory is going. But her laugh is contagious, and her eyes are sparkling. She was surrounded with friends and family - as she should be.
Aunt Mary - The Birthday Girl
Elaine, Butch and the back of Melissa Sharon talks to Elaine and Melissa

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugarantion Day - January 20, 2009

My favorite part of the day - Aretha Franklins singing "My Country Tis Of Thee"

Thursday, January 15, 2009


For the past few months - well since this summer for sure, I've been having some problems with my left shoulder. I noticed some pain when I moved in certain positions. About a week after Mom died, I spoke to the doctor who recommended physical therapy. With all the excitement over the fall, I didn't follow up - until December, after Joe's last hospital visit. By this point I actually was having a lot of pain. It turns out the physical therapist the doctor recommended didn't take Joe's insurance - so I decided to wait until January, when mine kicked in.

On Monday I went to the physical therapist who said I had bursitis. He gave me some exercises - basically I'm supposed to move my arm into the hurt and hold it there for several seconds - eventually returning a full range of motion to my arm. I see the physical therapist 3 time a week - for about 4 weeks I think.
Here are the instuments of my torture.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10:55 and Counting

I have warned everyone that no one is to communicate with me from 8 - 10 PM tonight.
Will you be watching?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Baptized In Dirty Water

The other night I tuned into a country station while driving home from work. I do that sometimes - switch from easy listening to classical to oldies - rarely to country - but I just felt like it for some reason.
I heard a song that reminded me of what my parents must have felt when I was in high school. I got the biggest laugh at the lyrics! Sometimes even I am amazed at how crazy I was! Here's part of the lyrics -

God Love Her Lyrics by Toby Keith
She always had a thing about fallin’ in love with a bad boy
Yeah they could see it all comin
But her daddy never dreamed
She’d grow up that fast, you know what I mean
The way a girls gets when she turns seventeen, kinda crazy
She’s a rebel child and a preacher’s daughter (ok - not that part)
She was baptized in dirty water ...

That's the part I thought was hysterical! When I got home, I told everyone about it - and laughed like crazy. Then I called Julie and told her. The next day I told Matt, and one of the girls at work! "Baptized in dirty water "! I'm sure I can find a use for this new phase somewhere.

And the last lines to the chorus?
God love her
Oh me and God love her
God love her
Me and God love her

Thank God He loves me - and has watched over me for so many years.
He restored my sanity. He sent me Julie, and Joe, and JR, and Matt. Enough people who love me.
And He gave me sisters and brothers who love me.
I am so blessed!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Side Trip to Gatlinburg

The Smokey Mountains are a special place for Joe and I. We spent our 5th and 15th anniversary there - and several other fun vacations. We wanted to go to the top of the mountain for a short visit. We followed the gps from our hotel - and entered Gatlinburg from an entirely different side than we ever did before. Once we were oriented, we found our way up the mountain. We haven't visited the Smokey Mountains in quite a while and I couldn't help but wonder if this would be our last trip.

Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world,
even from everlasting to everlasting,
Thou art God.

Wednesday in Jacksonville

We had lunch with Matt the morning of New Year's Eve on the beach in Jacksonville - at Joe's Crab shack. It was another great day - sunny and windy. It was warm on the outside deck where the wind was blocked by the building. It was 70 degrees when we left. I planned to be strong and not cry - but that plan didn't come together.

We spent New Year's Eve in Asheville, NC. It was 20 degrees and windy. I was cold in my capri length pants! And I was cranky and feeling out of sorts. We ate dinner at a great place called Stoneridge Tavern. Afterward, we went back to the room, watched the ball fall in NY and went to sleep (Joe was probably relieved to escape my mood!).

Tuesday in Jacksonville

We visited Matt's work on Tuesday - and he gave us the grand tour. The Sawgrass resort is beautiful.
We spent a little bit of time on the beach. Even though it was 70 degrees - I was freezing! Matt directed us to a beach where the locals go - Mickler's Beach. It was clean, sunny, and chilly.

After the beach - we went back to the hotel and had a nap. Matt had been up since 4A.M. We ordered in pizza, and ordered a movie. It was a quiet evening at "home".
Here's Matt modeling his present from Julie and Curt.

He's done with the picture taking!