Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Note from Dad after his Chemo Training

hi everybody !

Not much new going on for me yet. I had an orienteering session yesterday with some lab test. found out what my future with the chemo will be like. If I respond well it will be ok if not they will change the treatment. Results could be real good or real bad. I will get blood tests weekly
to see how my body is responding to the treatments.

My visit to cinnamon cove is still not for certain. It depends on how I respond to the chemo

I found out the do's and dont's during the treatment period are very serious. If I cough and get something on my shirt I have to put the shirt in a double zip lock bag immediately. If I get something on the floor I have to put on rubber gloves and wash the floor where I deposited some dropping. I also have to wear rubber gloves. I think I might glow in the dark.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Dad - It's getting ready to start

From Carolyn's note today - "We will be at ZM (Zangmeister) center at 8:30 A for what I call Chemo 101 and a Patient Advocacy discussion with other cancer patients. Dad says he ready to get started."

A Blueberry Pie

This weekend - amidst the craziness of 120 ears of corn, I also made my first Blueberry Pie. We were too tired to cut it, though - so desert is ready for tonight!

Corn Corn Corn

This weekend Les and I put up (froze) 10 dozen ears of corn (minus 4 we had for dinner).

We had 5 dozen Bi-Color and 5 dozen white -
because I couldn't decide what kind I wanted when the person at the farmers' market asked me the question.

Soaking in water to make shucking easier.

Bowls and bowls of corn.

The corn cutting station

Thank God for Les!

The pile of husks

Half of the final product - total 40+ bags of corn.

Mary's Place

This summer the statue of Mary (as Leah says - Mary the Mother of Jesus) has been renewed. She has been in our garden for 17 years - since Mom and Dad moved to Florida and I became the official owner. Her grotto is being repaired, but for this summer, she has been in my garden without her "house". Les fixed her up and re-painted her white for me. I planted a pink garden around her - and the roses look fantastic!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bar-B-Q at Carolyn and Stan's House

Saturday we had a family barbecue in Columbus. Dad says he feels great - better than he felt for the last 2 to 3 years. I think you can tell by the pictures! There was a ton of food - typical of our get-togethers. It was great to see everyone!
Dad and me

Joe and Les


Susan and Dad

Amanda and Dad

A crowd!

Carolyn and Dad

Elaine and Daniel


Backyard Visitors

Sunday evening Les was going outside after dinner and called us all to the windows - "Hurry up - come and see!" . Not 15 feet from the house we saw 3 deer - a mom and her 2 babies. I grabbed the camera. The deer eventually wandered back by the apple tree - then off into the woods behind the house. I really need to learn how to turn off the flash (I end up sticking my finger over the bulb to lessen the flash).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Note From Dad to All

Hello Friends,

For your information, I have been diagnosed as having non-small cell lung cancer. I have what they call Stage 4 which indicates the cancer has spread to multiple places. I am lucky that it is only in my lung area not in other parts of my body - but in multiple places in my lungs.

I plan to participate in an experimental trial by Eli Lilly Co to provide research for my type of cancer. I am starting my chemo treatment next week after they get he biopsy samples from Lee Memorial. I will get a treatment every 3 weeks and I will have 4 treatments. At 6 weeks and 12 weeks they will evaluate my progress.

There is no cure for my cancer and surgery is not an option. Longevity can be 1 to 2 years but could be prolonged if the trial is successful. I have lost bout 20 pounds but the doctor said not because of my cancer but more because of my eating habits since the first of the year.

Right now I am feeling good and enjoying my family. They are all visiting me this weekend which will make me happy.

I am planning to visit Cinnamon Cove in November if all goes well. I would like to see all of you again. As my doctor says, it will all depend on how I feel at the time.

In closing, I appreciate all of your thought and prayers. I will keep in touch with you as I know more and let you follow my progress.

Love, Elmer

Matt and I Visited Dad

Matt and I went to visit Dad in Columbus on Tuesday. He was upbeat and hopeful. He felt good. We made cheese conies for lunch with Dad's special recipe - turkey hot dogs and Skyline chili thickened with a cornstarch paste. After lunch we sat around and talked for several hours. Dad talked to Matt about his work - and to me about cooking and setting up his place in Columbus. It was the day before his oncologist visit, so we talked about anything other than that. He seems OK, for now. And that's what we can hope for.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Leah's Birthday

We celbrated Leah's 6th birthday on Friday evening. She made a visit to Build A Bear, and then home for cake and ice cream.

Family Party

On Sunday we had a party for Joe's family. When that occurs, it's no small thing. Joe is part of a large family! When I found out what dates Matt would be home I arranged for the party - so everything was pretty last minute.
We spent most of Saturday cleaning and getting ready, cooking and such. I made at least 4 recipes from the cookbook I put together last year - including Mom's Ice Cream and Dad's German Potato Salad. We all worked together - sometimes I was grumpy - to get everything done. Matt, Les and JR were a HUGE help! I kept fussing at Joe to not do too much.
It was great to see everyone again - and we were excited to have Father Harry Gerdes and Rose Kessen with us. I think we ended up with 40 to 50 people at the party. We celebrated Rose's 75th birthday - which is really next week - at the same time. Matt had a chance to see some of his uncles and aunts that he hasn't seen in years.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What a Day

The day started out a little bad - I was going to be late for my physical therapy because they were working on the road in front of the house - and I couldn't get out --- at 7:50 AM! So - I was late. The regular physical therapist wasn't there - he had the misfortune of having some health problems over the weekend and was getting tests. So I had therapy - and it was actually good - the sub did a good job of hurting (helping) me.

I hurried home because I knew I had a work problem that I needed to deal with. As soon as I god home Joe called - they were taking him to the emergency room in an ambulance. He was having chest pain and the cardiologist said to go to the emergency room - in the life squad.

Frankly, I was more pissed than concerned - sorry Joe. I knew he had over-extended himself on Tuesday - in spite of my warning him to take it easy - he had things that needed to get done. Now I had to take time off work - that I might need for Dad - to go to the emergency room with him. What a B*&%h, huh?

So - I'm at the hospital by noon, and I'm already irritated, and I see Joe - grinning so big. I've never seen him so goofily happy. Now I'm REALLY irritated. Turns out they had given him a huge dose of morphine, so he was really stoned.

They decided to do an angiogram - and all is well. His stents are open and flowing well. So that is good. They are keeping him overnight for observation. By 8:30, I felt it was OK to come home.

I spoke to Dad and his PET scan went well. His visit to the primary care physician was also good. She gave him Ambien to sleep at night, and something to help if he gets irritated in the afternoon. He said - something to help when Susan irritates me. The doctor took him off his diabetes medicine, and his anti-depressants. Yesterday he got something from the urologist - so now he says he got something to keep him from getting pissed off, and something to keep him from getting pissed on. I'd say he's in good spirits.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday's Hymn: When Peace, Like a River

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well with my soul;
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And has shed his own blood for my soul.

My sin—O the bliss of this glorious thought!—
My sin, not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more;
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

O Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend;
"Even so"—it is well with my soul.

Horatio G. Spafford, 1828-1888
Tune: It Is Well, Philip P. Bliss, 1876

Doctors Rounds

Dad is making the rounds of his Florida Doctors, before coming to Ohio. Yesterday he had a chest x-ray and saw his surgeon. Today he saw the Urologist. Tomorrow, the PET scan and his primary care doctor. He say he is down to working on the small tasks that must be done before moving, so that is good.
He was in good spirits today - and getting a little aggravated by all the company. I spoke to Susan today and passed on some advice from our cousin Sharon - that we must remember that Dad is our father, not our child. He is the family patriarch and should be treated as such. Of course this wasn't just directed at Susan for any reason - other than she answered the phone when I called - and I thought it was great advice.
A family friend from England also gave me some great advice that I passed on to my brother and sisters. It's always great to listen to the advice of those who have been down this path.
And some advice from a Michigan friend "Be strong, be the example. Your faith must be on display much more so than any doubts you have." Thanks Mike.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Latest on Dad

Here is the latest on Dad. Elaine picked up the lab results on Monday, and it seems he doesn't have Mesothelioma, but has something called Non Small Cell Carcinoma. At this point we don't think it changes too much. Dad is having a PET scan on Thursday that will identify where the cancer is in his body (has it spread to his liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes etc), and - we think - what stage he is in. The stage that he is in determines the treatment (at least that's what our research says). He is still meeting with the oncologist on Wednesday August 12th, at which point we hope we will learn more about what to expect. The doctors have all been impressed with his health (aside from the cancer) and say it will help with his struggle.

Please continue to pray for Dad, and I ask for your prayers for our family as well.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


One week from today we are having a houseful of people (maybe). We've invited all of Joe's family over for a visit - and to see Matt while he is in town. Today we mowed the grass, filled in some holes in the yard, and did some general yard maintenance. Yesterday I trimmed my Wisteria - gave it a Mohawk. The sides are nice and trimmed, the top is crazy. Joe got rid of a bunch of vines and donor trees that had grown up around the apple tree. He trimmed them a month ago - but finally got rid of all the wood this weekend. We also got rid of all the dead limbs that were piled around the side of the house. They make great firewood!
Something about having company that makes regular chores more critical!
We are exhausted!

I spoke to Dad today. He's preparing for his move to Columbus. Getting his papers in order, preparing to close up shop in Ft Myers for a while.

I also spoke to Matt today. He is ready for the trip and has his preparation complete. He'll be leaving early Tuesday morning, should be home for dinner at ----- wait for it ----- Skyline!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dad's at Home

Dad came home from the hospital late yesterday. When I spoke to him this morning he was working on his computer - trying to save some of his favorites. He bought a new computer - but will unpack it in Columbus. He also spoke about the recipes he has saved on his old computer - and said he has a printout of about 300 that he entered. He wants me to make a copy for myself. I promised him we'd go to a Kinko's when I come up to see him.
He's also told me he was ready to go be with Mom. He wasn't living, really, since Mom died. Just sitting around doing nothing. I'm hoping he feels happier when he gets around family. He'll be in Columbus on Sunday.
I spoke to my cousin Peggy today. Haven't talked to her since Mom died - and before that it had been years and years. Hopefully we'll stay in touch and be able to talk about something other than someone who died.