Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Football Weekend

Saturday I went to see Leah cheer, and Ty play football.  Ty only made it in for 1 play - but that one play was fabulous.  His team won!  Leah's team - well that was a different story - but she looked great!

On Sunday we had the kids over while Julie and Curt were at the footbal game.  Leah, Ty, and I worked on putting away the pool stuff - rafts, toys, chemical tests and other stuff.  Leah and I baked sugar cookies and made Oreo eyeballs (they don't have real eyeballs in them she told everyone).  We also made tailgate food for dinner - veggie tray (Leah said "I can touch veggies, I just won't eat them"), chicken fingers, skyline dip, meatballs, corn on the cob, and Crabbies.  Then we all watched the game - JR, Les, Joe, Ty, Leah and me,  It was a gerat afternoon with family.  After the Bengals beat the Steelers, we played outside.  Les drew this image of Leah doing the splits:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our Lady of Walsingham

In Walsingham, a village in Norfolk, England, in 1061, Mary appeared to a widow who later saw to it that a chapel was built. The widow, Lady Richeldis, had a holy house built that was a replica of the house the Holy Family lived in during their time in Nazareth. For hundreds of years, pilgrims and devotees journeyed to Walsingham to pay their respects.

Mary, as Our Lady of Walsingham, seems to be a bridge, a common ground, a shared blankie of sorts, between the divisions created when the Church of England was established. Devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham has inspired Anglicans and Roman Catholics to stand side-by-side in prayer, to erect shared shrines, to remember their common background.
How much of a stretch is it, really, to picture Mary as a blankie? How often do we reach, blindly, for comfort in old familiar places? Maybe Jesus didn’t need a blankie after all, when He had the arms of His mother. He could rest in the comfort of her care, just as we can. The image of her, our maternal blankie, can remind us of Mary’s protection and that of the angels who watch over us. Maybe the lesson, for me, is that Mary is the only blankie I need, the comfort that will always lead me back to the One I’m called to serve.

O blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon us. By you it was that Jesus, our Savior and hope, was given to the world, and He has given you to us that we may hope still more. Plead for us, your children, whom you did receive and accept at the foot of the Cross, O sorrowful Mother. Pray for us all, dear Mother, that by faith fruitful in good works, we all may be made worthy to see and praise God, together with you in our heavenly home. Amen.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dad's Hot Slaw

I received a request for Dad's Hot Slaw recipe - here it is:

Hot Slaw

4 slices bacon, cooked & crumbled
1/2 c. apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar - Dad prefers the cider vinegar)
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
1 bag angel hair cabbage or 1 head cabbage, shredded
additional bacon bits (optional)

Cook bacon, drain, crumble and set aside. Using bacon grease in skillet, add water, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Mix well and pour over cabbage. Add additional bacon bits if desired. Best if served warm. Serves 4 people.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Note From Dad to All

Results from my blood draw to day were all positive excepr my white cells were low. This means I have to stay away from any possible situation where some type of infection may occur.None of my cancer results show anything to be concerned about.

I also had test for my primary Doctor. i do not have those results. Next week i get another blood draw and on Friday the 2nd of Oct. I will have the cat scan made to determine what progress i am making or not making on the cancer growth.

My attitude is good and right now I have no concerns. elmer

Friday, September 18, 2009

2nd Chemo Treatment for Dad

I sent this note to my cousin Teresa today.  It totally describes Dad's and my day yesterday.
Dad had his second treatment Wednesday. I was in Columbus Wednesday night and all day yesterday. Here's how bad it was - we had homemade sausage for breakfast - Dad makes his own. Someone from the church came at 10 to bring communion. I worked on his computer some. We went to lunch at an Irish pub. We went to Walgreens, Giant Eagle, back to Walgreens, the farmer's market, home, and back to Walgreens. I was exhausted, he was fine. After dinner, I was ready to go to bed, not make the 2 hour drive home!

He isn't getting nausea, and he isn't loosing his hair. He has a few small problems - but he's a busy guy!
I forgot to mention we changed the sheets on his bed, made hot slaw for dinner, and fixed pickled beets.
Here's a funny story about communion.  When Dad was about to receive communion, the lady from church asked if I would like communion also.  She said she only had 1 host, so we'd have to share.  Dad asked me - and I said in a teasing way - "It depends, if you don't want to share I'll wait until Sunday".  Dad said to the lady - "She'll wait until Sunday".  He wasn't sharing his Jesus with anybody. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Weekend

This weekend Ty and Leah were over on Saturday evening and Sunday.  Leah did some gardening for me - took a huge basket down to the garden and picked tomatos and cucumbers.  I had to take pictures of her outfit.  Saturday evening we had a campfire with the neighbors.  Sunday I took the kids to their first CCD class, and then shopping, and home to watch the Bengals and play outside.  A fun filled, and exhausting for me, weekend.
Ty mugs for the camera
Leah in the gardenTomatos!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Words of Wisdon

I read these word today and wanted to keep them in my heart:
"God calls us to big things sometimes, I realized. Bigger than we would ever choose for ourselves. Again and again, He might allow us to be tossed about and thrown helplessly onto the shore. But our job is not to control the waves -- only to ride them. To trust. To let go. And to know that through it all, He holds us."
From "Riding the Wave" by Danielle Bean

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Visit With Dad

Joe and I went to Columbus today to visit with Carolyn and Dad. Dad was feeling good - although you can see from the pictures that his Florida blood is still in force. He's drinking "Muscle Milk" something Matt tells us is popular with all the sports stars.

Joe doesn't look too excited - but he and Dad were watching Joe's Alma Mater - Elder - playing football on ESPN - and they won!

Football Practice

Thursday night the Bengals played in town, so Julie and Curt went to the game and I took Ty (and Leah) to football practice.  Afterwards we had ice cream, a shower, an hour of TV, a toothbrushing, a prayer, and bedtime.  In that order.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dad's First Report

Hi everybody !!

am still doing great and feeling good especially after today's report

The nurse said my white count was low but not as low as expected. This mean the chemo chemicles are attacking the cancer cells and not the good white cells. after today my wite cells should build back up and will get another report next week.

thanks for your concern and prayers
