Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When Angels Rush In

Into this silent night
as we make our weary way
we know not where,
just when the night becomes its darkest
and we cannot see our path,
just then
is when angels rush in,
their hands full of stars

by Ann Weems

Saturday, July 24, 2010

An Anniversary of Sorts

This weekend Joe and I are celebrating the 30th anniversary of our first date. I'm not sure of the specific day - but it was the weekend before my birthday. To mark this great occasion, we're going out on a date! We planned this earlier in the week, and I've been looking forward to it since then. I even got a little teary when I told someone at work about it.
So - we have a reservation at Bonefish Grill for 7:30. I'm excited! Joe and Les are in Michigan this weekend, we're all alone. Hmmm, what could possibly happen?