Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. We were going out Saturday to celebrate, but I was in the middle of the great winter sickness - that lasted 4 days for me.
I wanted our 30th to be special - to do something we've never done before.
And so I sit here alone. Been deathly sick for 4 days. Haven't taken a shower in two days. Had to make soup for supper - still can't eat anything solid. I worked all day from home. Joe went in to work, then went off to teach his martial arts classes. I still have some Christmas shopping to do. Joe got me a wonderful card for our anniversary, I got him nada. Not a word from any of the kids about our anniversary. 30 years is something to celebrate! When we got married so quickly with no honeymoon, just a night at a motel, did I envision I would be here in this place 30 years in the future? No - maybe I should have.
Monday, December 20, 2010
My weekend
The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy at our house. Well since a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, really. Joe and I set aside Saturday to go to dinner to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Nothing, especially my work, is going to get in the way. We were going to P F Changs, one of my favorite places to eat - that we save for special treats. I took Friday off work because I'd already worked 43 hours so I tried to just be done.
I woke up Friday morning with a sicky belly as my grand kids say. I took all the Immodium I had, and it wasn't working, so I went to the store in the afternoon for more Immodium, Pepto Bismal, Ginger Ale, and pretzels. I was so thirsty I took a huge cup of water with me to drink. Without going into details, let's just say I didn't make it through my shopping trip. After trying to clean up, I got my cart and tried to check out. I felt like I was going to faint, and my vision was blurred by black spots. I asked the checkout girl if she could load my cart onto the belt - and handed her my credit card. The store manager came up and asked me if I felt OK. When I said no, he got me a wheelchair to sit in. We tried to call Joe, but Joe didn't answer, and I'd left my cell at home. (That becomes important later.)
The store manager asked me what I had to eat today - and I realized I'd had 1 piece of toast. He asked me if I wanted a candy bar, but I told him I had gushers in one of my bags, so he found them and handed me a pack. After I ate them I felt much better. The manager had someone load the groceries in the car, and I convinced him I felt well enough to drive.
In fact, while on the way home I decided to go to the post office and get our mail. So - at the post office, I grabbed the box key and went in. On my way back out I couldn't find my car keys. I had, in fact, locked them in the car, along with my purse with $700 in it, and the extra car key.
So - back into the post office to call Joe from their phone - since I forgot my cell. This time he answered, and I explained what was going on and told him my rescue was in his hands. He was able to get JR, who said he could be there in 20 minutes.
So - I went to the Okeana Mini-Mart where they got me a medal folding chair and a diet pepsi. For the next half hour I sat in the chair and chatted with 2 of the nicest people, summer teeth and all.
JR got me home, I took a shower and went to bed.
I was now in full blown sickness.
I woke up Friday morning with a sicky belly as my grand kids say. I took all the Immodium I had, and it wasn't working, so I went to the store in the afternoon for more Immodium, Pepto Bismal, Ginger Ale, and pretzels. I was so thirsty I took a huge cup of water with me to drink. Without going into details, let's just say I didn't make it through my shopping trip. After trying to clean up, I got my cart and tried to check out. I felt like I was going to faint, and my vision was blurred by black spots. I asked the checkout girl if she could load my cart onto the belt - and handed her my credit card. The store manager came up and asked me if I felt OK. When I said no, he got me a wheelchair to sit in. We tried to call Joe, but Joe didn't answer, and I'd left my cell at home. (That becomes important later.)
The store manager asked me what I had to eat today - and I realized I'd had 1 piece of toast. He asked me if I wanted a candy bar, but I told him I had gushers in one of my bags, so he found them and handed me a pack. After I ate them I felt much better. The manager had someone load the groceries in the car, and I convinced him I felt well enough to drive.
In fact, while on the way home I decided to go to the post office and get our mail. So - at the post office, I grabbed the box key and went in. On my way back out I couldn't find my car keys. I had, in fact, locked them in the car, along with my purse with $700 in it, and the extra car key.
So - back into the post office to call Joe from their phone - since I forgot my cell. This time he answered, and I explained what was going on and told him my rescue was in his hands. He was able to get JR, who said he could be there in 20 minutes.
So - I went to the Okeana Mini-Mart where they got me a medal folding chair and a diet pepsi. For the next half hour I sat in the chair and chatted with 2 of the nicest people, summer teeth and all.
JR got me home, I took a shower and went to bed.
I was now in full blown sickness.
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