Friday, September 16, 2011

Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory

This past Wednesday my eye surgery on my cataracts was completed. I now look at the world through two eyes uncovered by glasses. (OK, I do wear readers for computer work) My vision is crisp and clear. It is amazing! I cannot say more than that. After so many years of poor vision, I can see. The funny thing is that I still reach for my glasses each morning, and for just a moment, when I just wake up, I wonder why I slept in my glasses.
On Thursday, at my post op visit, one of the nurses asked my if I would speak to one of Dr. Sifri's patients who just learned she needed cataract surgery. She was on the fence about whether or not she should get it done. I spoke to her about my experience, about what it was like the week between surgeries - when one eye was done and the other not. I explained how bad my vision was, and how good it is now. I also told her the surgery was basically pain free. I know I helped her over her fear.
I am reminded how lucky I am each time I go outside and see the clear crisp sky, trees, and lawn. These things, as well as the technology to replace a damaged eye lens, are truly a gift from God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How has it been since the surgery, Barb? I’m glad you had a good surgical experience! Encouraging another patient that she has nothing to fear and that the surgery is totally pain free is very kind of you. I hope there are more like you out there!

Cami Hood