Thursday, October 16, 2008

Matt's contribution

Matt drove down from Ponte Vedra to be with Dad. Susan and Chuck were there by the time he arrived, or about the same time. Dad was happy to see him. His instructions from me were to do what ever Chuck and Susan asked of him. He hung with his grandpa. When they left the hospital, he took Dad home and let Dad fuss over him - fix him cheese coneys and watched football until Matt fell asleep - and Dad had to wake him in order to go to bed.
When we arrived at the hospital Sunday, Matt met us in the parking lot and directed us to Mom's room. He staid in the background, but was always available to do the small things that we needed. He occupied Ty and Leah, he and Chuck met Bill and Sharon at the airport, he did a million small things to be helpful. His father and I, his aunts and uncles are so proud of him. He faced Mom's death with bravery.

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