Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things to remember

Dad and Mom's friends Beverly and Bob drove Dad to the hospital and stayed with him until Bobby and Ann Bravard arrived. Beverly called Blessed Pope John XXIII Catholic Church, Dad and Mom's parish and asked for the priest to perform the Sacrament of the Sick. The woman she spoke to told her that they did not service Health Park hospital, and that St Columbkille Parish serviced that hospital. Beverly was incensed and said something like "One of your parishioners is dying and has asked for her priest and you say that you don't service that hospital?" The woman said - just a moment please - and put on a man. He explained that St Columbkille Parish serviced that hospital and she said "I went to 12 years of Catholic school, and attitudes like this is why I left the Catholic church. Your parishioner needs you and you are refusing to come. " The man said - someone will be right there.
Apparently the man she spoke to was the pastor - Father Bob Tabbert. He apologized to Dad when he arrived.

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