Friday, November 14, 2008

Ron Collected Thimbles

Tonight we all met at Donna's house to plan the party after Ron's funeral. All of Ron's siblings were there, their spouses, Barb - his girlfriend - and Barb Yenke. We planned a party - and recounted many Ron stories.
Tonight I learned that Ron collected - or had - a thimble collection. Here's how it started. He had to introduce himself at a meeting at work, and tell something about himself. He tried to think of the dumbest thing he could tell people - so he made up a story and told everyone that he collected thimbles. From that point on, people from work and family, brought him thimbles from all over the world. At last count he had almost 200. He loved it. Barb said she thinks he looked at it as proof that someone was thinking of him, wherever they were in the world.
Barb also shared with us that every day Ron would go to lunch and tell the same joke - a three legged dog walked into a bar and said to the bartender "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw...". Followed by - a horse walked into a bar - and the bartender said - "why the long face?"

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