Monday, November 17, 2008


This is the talk Elaine gave at Mom's memorial service:
After my mom's funeral Mass on Wednesday and after some of my siblings got on the road to head home and then back here to Cincinnati, I sat down to think about what I could say about my mom that you who are here today may not already know.
As I thought about it, a lot of things we all know about mom come to mind. Mom was a beautiful woman. Last Saturday night as I sat with her in the hospital, I kept looking at her small hands and fingers and thinking how beautiful they were. I kept looking at her eyes and cheek bones and wishing I had those traits – instead, I look like Dad -- sorry Dad!!
Those of you who played bridge with my mom know she was a fierce competitor and hated to lose at any game, but especially at cards. Just so you know even in a game of rummy with the grandkids my mom showed no mercy.
She was a caring, loving generous person -- to Dad, her friends, her family, her kids and her grandkids. She would try and help all of us in her way – but maybe not the way we had in mind. To all her grandchildren, each of you held a special place in your grandma's heart. You may not know that, she may not have told you or showed you in a way you would understand, but believe me, you did. Whatever you do, where ever you go, keep her close in your heart and she will be there for you.
As I thought some more, I realized there is one thing that those outside the immediate family probably don't know about my Mom. Rita Perzel was the founding member and leader of an exclusive club my family affectionately calls the Perzel Women -- although my Dad likes to call us his YA YA girls. I don't think mom set out to form this club, but because of her, we did organize, expanded our membership and developed a strong voice.
There are no written rules for our group; we just watched our mom, grandma and mother in law to learn. Here is a sample of what she taught us, the rules we follow, and the rules we must pass on to our children and our children's children:
1. have faith in God. Always turn to Him for strength, patience, wisdom and thanksgiving.
2. think of others before yourself- give to your friends and family
3. always work your hardest, do your best and then some.
4. don't be afraid of life and the trouble it sometimes brings. In all things face your fears, be strong through prayer - show no weakness
5. never stop learning - read, learn, listen to others and pass along your wisdom
6. Lastly above all – one of my favorites --- have fun. Enjoy Life to the fullest.
All of you here today have been touched by this beautiful woman and the leader of our club, because if you know any of its members, you know my mom. I'd like to ask my chapter of the Perzel women to come forward -- from the youngest to the oldest so you can see its members and see the strength and beauty that is my Mom -- the founder of this club we call the Perzel women!!

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