Sunday, December 21, 2008

We Can Do No Great Things

At Christmas, many of us feel pressured to do great things. We can't send out just any card; we can't give just any gifts; we can't have just any celebration. We are commemorating, after all, the single greatest event in human history. This is Christmas, and what we do to recognize it must be great. Inevitably, though, we will fall short of the kind of greatness we have in mind.

Thankfully, the kind of greatness God asks of us is not as complicated as we sometimes make it ourselves. The kind of greatness God demands has nothing to do with ribbons or wrapping, packages or presents. The kind of greatness Christ seeks comes from small, ordinary things done with great love.

"We can do no great things," Mother Teresa of Calcutta once reminded us. "Only small things with great love."

I pray that God will help me see the small things. And do them with great love

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