Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Trust Him
And God, in his mighty power, will protect you until you
receive this salvation, because you are trusting him.
~~ 1 Peter 1:5 NLT ~~
Sometimes the future seems bright, and sometimes it does not. Yet even when we cannot see the possibilities of tomorrow, God can. As believers, our challenge is to trust an uncertain future to an all-powerful God.

When we trust God, we should trust Him without reservation. We should steel ourselves against the inevitable disappointments of the day, secure in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father has a plan for the future that only He can see.

Can you place your future into the hands of a loving and all-knowing God? Can you live amid the uncertainties of today, knowing that God has dominion over all your tomorrows? If you can, you are wise and you are blessed. When you trust God with everything you are and everything you have, He will bless you now and forever.

A Woman of Prayer - 365 Daily Devotions, Freeman-Smith LLC, Publisher

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