Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy 25th B-day Matt

Today Matt is 25. He is living in Oklahoma City - having moved there from Jacksonville at the end of January. Joe and I are so proud of him. He has taken a road less traveled - moving away from home and family to pursue his dreams. I know it's hard for him sometimes, but he had become quite a man. His birthday card said Happy Birthday O Rare and Awesome One - and we truly believe that statement.
I spoke to him a few minutes ago - he has spent most of his birthday so far in a airport - trying to get from OKC to JCK - he is finally moving his furniture to his new apartment. Because of a freak snowstorm - two flights he was supposed to be on yesterday were cancelled. He was re-booked on an oversold flight today. We both were praying to St. Jude for help. And, he finally learned that he had a seat assignment. (Thank you St. Jude) So - he'll make it to Atlanta anyway. I didn't ask about the rest of the trip - but there are lots of flights from Atlanta.

What a journey this has been for Matt - not the easiest - but he's a fighter and a winner.

Happy Birthday O Rare And Awesome One

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