Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm back

I heard this amazing video this morning. John Wooden is a true American treasure.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm Sick

I swear the work I did over the weekend is killing me! I have sores inside my mouth, sore muscles and joints, chills, and a low grade fever. All in all, I feel like dirt. 'Nough said.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Physical Labor is not for me!

This weekend we took our first shower in the remodeled bathroom. The shower curtain and liner I purchased was not long enough - as I feared. On Friday I went on a hunt for a long liner (I found one that is 84 inches long) and a longer shower curtain. I found a perfect one. So - Friday we were showering! Pictures to come soon.
I also purchased 23 bags of mulch (half on Saturday, half on Sunday) and spread all 23 bags myself. Joe got rid of some old, overgrown shrubs, and I mulched until I was in tears. But it looks so good! I used Pine Bark Nuggets - a large mulch that is big chunks of bark. The guy at the nursery said I'll be sick of the look before they decompose. I doubt it. I really like the look of the rugged bark against the stone of the house.
Joe had to work Saturday and Sunday - so he was busy when he got home. I helped him open the pool - at least I helped drain the cover and clean it off. Today we are hooking up the filter - well Joe is. I am painting some molding for the bathroom, and perhaps the bathroom door.
We got so much done this weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leah and Grammie make cupcakes

Leah and I like to cook when we get together. Last week we made cupcakes.

I'm thinking about teaching her how to sew. I missed that opportunity with her mom, and I'd like to pass on that family tradition - all of my sisters and I can sew. We'll start with a pillow - and I'll let her pick out the fabric - and we'll se how that goes. I'll teach her on Mom's machine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Butterfly Show

Last Friday, while Julie and Curt were in Nashville, Tyler, Leah, and I made a trip to the butterfly show at the Krohn Conservatory. I told them I was keeping them out of school for a science trip to study butterflies. It was a fun time - at both the conservatory and the overlook that we visited later.
In the car on the way to lunch (Skyline) we listed the animals and insects we saw that day:
1. Dogs
2. Cats
3. Rat (really a mouse or a mole the Stormy captured outside)
4. Butterflies
5. Turtles
6. Ducks
7. Goose
8. Raccoon
At the overlook we brought some bread to feed the ducks. Ty was trying to hand feed a goose and it got a little excited and bit him (according to Ty).
Here are a few pictures from the day.

Remodel Update

Well - Joe was off work yesterday so he got some major work done in the bathroom. The walls and ceiling are painted and ready to go. We now need to install the floor, the light fixture, the shower curtain rod, and the wall trim. I bet we'll be using the shower this weekend!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Last night we went to a Tajci concert at St. Ann church. Leah went with us to hear Tatianna sing about Mary (Leah says "I love that song!" ). It was fabulous - and so moving. The songs tell the story of the Blessed Mother, from when she was first visited by the angel, until after the death of Jesus. After the concert, she brought her children up to the alter individually to sing - Leah loved that part. Her boys are maybe 8, 6, and 3. The oldest, Dante, sang "It's a Wonderful World", the middle son, Evan, sang "God Bless America" and the youngest, Blais, sang "You Are My Sunshine".
I actually wish I could go tonight to St. John Neumann to hear her sing, but schedules get in the way.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Wisteria

This is the first year I really noticed how beautiful my wisteria is. Yesterday, while I was mowing, I smelled how fragrant it is, and was able to see up close how gorgeous it is. Later I paused in my weekend chores to snap some photos.

And here is my forever Spring favorite - creeping phlox

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bathroom Reno - Part 2

This weekend we will be finishing the bathroom renovation (positive self-talk). Joe has to work on Sunday - so I'll probably be painting on Sunday. Today I bought some new light bulbs for the new light fixture. I still haven't purchased the hooks I want to use instead of a towel bar. I looked at Lowes today, but didn't find anything that I liked.
Joe has decided to move the shower mixer valve so that it is centered on the wall. That's the first project we'll have. I also want to buy the bead board for the wall, and the trim so I can paint it. Busy Busy ...