Monday, May 25, 2009

Physical Labor is not for me!

This weekend we took our first shower in the remodeled bathroom. The shower curtain and liner I purchased was not long enough - as I feared. On Friday I went on a hunt for a long liner (I found one that is 84 inches long) and a longer shower curtain. I found a perfect one. So - Friday we were showering! Pictures to come soon.
I also purchased 23 bags of mulch (half on Saturday, half on Sunday) and spread all 23 bags myself. Joe got rid of some old, overgrown shrubs, and I mulched until I was in tears. But it looks so good! I used Pine Bark Nuggets - a large mulch that is big chunks of bark. The guy at the nursery said I'll be sick of the look before they decompose. I doubt it. I really like the look of the rugged bark against the stone of the house.
Joe had to work Saturday and Sunday - so he was busy when he got home. I helped him open the pool - at least I helped drain the cover and clean it off. Today we are hooking up the filter - well Joe is. I am painting some molding for the bathroom, and perhaps the bathroom door.
We got so much done this weekend!

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