Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Note from Dad after his Chemo Training

hi everybody !

Not much new going on for me yet. I had an orienteering session yesterday with some lab test. found out what my future with the chemo will be like. If I respond well it will be ok if not they will change the treatment. Results could be real good or real bad. I will get blood tests weekly
to see how my body is responding to the treatments.

My visit to cinnamon cove is still not for certain. It depends on how I respond to the chemo

I found out the do's and dont's during the treatment period are very serious. If I cough and get something on my shirt I have to put the shirt in a double zip lock bag immediately. If I get something on the floor I have to put on rubber gloves and wash the floor where I deposited some dropping. I also have to wear rubber gloves. I think I might glow in the dark.


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