The following statements came across my computer screen today. I have met the gentleman personally and follow his lead in many areas. That sounds kinda strange. How exactly is it possible to follow someone who’s not near you? Only in Cyber-Land. That and maybe time travel. Anyhoo…back to the important part.
These are some things he said today.
A Rascal is any individual who has the character to be a character.
A Rascal is someone who makes a difference by being different.
A Rascal doesn’t follow the herd; but he or she does protect it.
A Rascal is an original character; one who can’t be classified, minimized, silenced, or enslaved.
Rascals are rebels WITH a cause.
Do these statements describe anyone you know? Several people came to my mind – IMMEDIATELY.
After reading over them several times I realized all of those statements were true of the greatest character who ever lived. Go ahead, I know you want to re-read them. I’ll wait.
Now, don’t you agree? Couldn’t all of those statements be used to describe Jesus and His earthly ministry? (If you didn’t take the opportunity to read them before, you’re doing it now, aren’t you?)
I absolutely LOVE Rascals! They don’t always make life easier, but they do make it richer!
So, who are the rascals in your life?
Are you a rascal?
Do you want to be?
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