Monday, December 14, 2009

Update on Dad

We learned today from the hospice nurse that Dad is in his last few days with us.  She said that he probably has 24 to 48 hours before slipping into a coma, and will probably not make it until the end of the week.  He is resting comfortably for the most part.
His lungs are filling up with fluid, a sign the end is coming.  He has spots of anger and restlessnes, another sing they say. 
We called all my siblings to come.   
Today is Monday - I've been here since last Thursday and was supposed to go home today.  Julie and my husband Joe are coming tomorrow.  Elaine, Bill and Amanda are also coming tomorrow.  JR and Les on Wednesday.  Susan and Lauren are here already. 
Dad said today he didn't want to be a damned movie - quit looking at him like he's a movie!  He has moments of grouchiness.  He also has moments of smiles, and funny saying, and happiness.  Today I think he was "singing" to the Ave Maria on a Connie Francis Christmas CD.  He told Jason an unrepeatable joke yesterday during the Bengal's game.  Those moments carry us through the grouchiness.

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