This morning was a task morning. Matt and I stopped at church to set up Masses for next year for Mom and Dad. Then we picked up Ty and Leah and headed to the cemetery for an appointment with Ken, the director of Dad's funeral service for the cemetery. This was a follow up appointment - as it turns out he gave me a book for some pre-planning for my funeral service (weird). Then on to the grocery for Christmas Day appetizer fixings. Then home for lunch and an afternoon of work. All morning long, Leah counted how many times she said "weird" (45 at last count).
But weird pretty much describes Christmas this year. I did zero shopping except online for a few gifts for Ty and Leah. I've done zero baking - although my freezer is full of cookie dough. I've wrapped zero presents.
I'm waiting. Perhaps this year Christmas will be about the birth of Jesus for me. Perhaps this is the year it will about welcoming our Saviour. I'm waiting for the peace of Christmas to envelope me.
And - based on all my previous Christmases - that will be weird, but a good weird.
Come, Lord Jesus, Come.
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