I was going to go through the weekend - day by day. But I am so far behind that I'm just doing a short post.
Thursday morning and most of the afternoon I sorted through pictures that we found under Mom and Dad's bed. I found many treasured memories, cruises, baptisms, First Communions, Weddings, Christmases. I sorted them by family, into 5 piles, and a separate pile for friends. While I was doing that, Carolyn and Bill ordered the food, and did more party prep. Bob arrived. He brought the frozen drinks fixings, so I put them together and got them in the freezer. Late afternoon I joined Carolyn at the pool for a little vitamin D therapy :-) . Carolyn, Bob and I had dinner at the Shrimp Shack, out by the airport. Bill worked at the clubhouse.
On Friday the energy kicked into gear as Susan and Elaine arrived. I went with Bob to pick them up at the airport. On the way home we stopped at Sam's to buy more party supplies. Elaine tried to work, and Bill worked for a short time at the clubhouse. There was a whirlwind of party prep. We all went to dinner on Friday night at one of Mom and Dad's favorite places - the Stone(something). We had a great time, and excellent food. I had grouper - the only thing I wanted to be sure I had on this trip.
Saturday morning I was very sad. I couldn't get past - this is the end. Maybe the last time I go to Ft. Myers. Certainly the last time it will be Mom and Dad's place. My plan was to sit around Carol and Steven's place and mope, until we had to do the final party prep. Carolyn ran a few errands, and called to see if I wanted to make a quick swing by the beach. I decided to go - moping was a bad plan - so Bill, Carolyn and I went to Ft. Myers Beach. Susan and Elaine went to get Elaine's hair cut, and buy plants for the table decorations. We all met back at the house. The UPS guy delivered Dad's forgotten Holy Cards ($90 to ship overnight) that Andy had sent on Friday. Work in the kitchen began, cleaning the serving dishes, prepping the salads. I found myself in the way in the kitchen, so I spent an hour trying to check in for my return flight - very frustrating. I went over the picture boards, reattaching the pictures that fell off, preparing them for the party. Meanwhile everyone else was at the clubhouse setting up the room. Around 2:00 I finished, went back to Carol and Steven's to prepare for mass.
The memorial party started with 4:00 Mass at Blessed Pope John XXIII church. Father Ronnie said the Mass - dad's favorite priest. Elaine, Susan, and I shed a few tears as the song Hear I Am Lord was sung. Father Ronnie sang the final blessing. Dad loved when he did that.
And then - the party started. Half of us went to the clubhouse, the other half back the the condo's to get stuff. We began to set out food - with the help of early arriving guests who were also at church. After all the stuff arrived, and the food and drinks table arranged, the meet and greet was completed, we began. Bill gave a great introductory speech - with notes from Carolyn on what to say :-). Elaine also spoke about Mom and Dad, about how they loved living in Florida, how they loved bridge, parties, and traveling. She spoke about Dad's ability to fix anything, and to help anyone who asked for his assistance. Many of his friends spoke to us about how they would be missed. I think the five of us spent most of the party circulating and visiting. Many times I was thanked for having this party. It seems that it doesn't happen very often after a person passes on, the Florida friends don't get an opportunity to come together to celebrate the life of their friend. We had laid out pictures of Mom and Dad with friends near the picture boards, and invited everyone to take what they wanted from the loose pictures. There were also stacks of bridge tallies. The last bridge person to leave got what was left of the tallies on the table. I can't list all who attended - we think about 80 people, but I can mention my cousin Bobbie Bravard and his wife Anne and their son Kelly (I think), Dan Cavanaugh and his wife Irene, Horst and Lily, Austin and Marilyn, Barb Blocker, and Peggy.
All too soon the party was over. We ran out of the frozen drinks, went through the wine and beer, had lots of left over water. How funny! We left some food for the superbowl party the next day, cleaned up the place, and went home. Funny how I can't remember anything after bringing in all the stuff.
Sunday Carolyn and I left early - around 5:00 AM for our flight at 7:00. We were back to the land of snow. Seven inches had fallen on Friday night in Ohio.
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