I am exhausted. I am working 12 - 16 hour days - have been for the last 10 days. It looks like I have another week to go, if I live that long. I am working and sleeping.
My house has gone to hell. I've been working from home again for the past week, when my car died on the highway on my way home from work. It was finally fixed today, and I'm $300 poorer.
Since the weather has warmed up, the snow melted, and it poured rain last weekend, the dogs have been enjoying a bit of digging in the yard. Yesterday they captured a mole - they were so proud. They come to the house covered with mud. Although I try to make sure everyone knows to towel off the dogs before they come in, sadly it's not always possible. My kitchen is covered with dry muddy dog footprints, and dried mud smears where they lay down. They also mucked up the living room carpet yesterday. It's so depressing. Saturday - on my 1 day off, the house was clean and sparkling. Today - 3 days later - it's a disaster. Today I complained (bitched) that no one else seems to know how to clean up. Another sad but true statement.
I'm going to bed, because I AM EXHAUSTED!
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