Monday, January 9, 2012

So Far in 2012

I am going to try and write more regularly this year - we'll see how it goes.
We had a fantastically fun New Year's Eve. Ty and Leah were at the house and and we watched a movie, played together, banged pans on the front porch. On Sunday we watched football, Ty shot pellet guns with Grandpa, Leah and I went shopping.
Where did banging pans on the front porch come from? Leah asked me, and I said - I did it as a kid, her Mom did it, and now they are doing it. It's a tradition. That's all I know.
This past weekend started on Friday with a huge correction caused by something I ate on Thursday. Major GI issues, and the worse gout attack I've had in 5 - 10 years. I literally could barely walk on Friday and Saturday. Sunday - somewhat better, and today I can wear my shoes.
Never again will that food pass these lips.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

We banged pans too and now the kids do it. Crazy!