Friday, January 9, 2009

Baptized In Dirty Water

The other night I tuned into a country station while driving home from work. I do that sometimes - switch from easy listening to classical to oldies - rarely to country - but I just felt like it for some reason.
I heard a song that reminded me of what my parents must have felt when I was in high school. I got the biggest laugh at the lyrics! Sometimes even I am amazed at how crazy I was! Here's part of the lyrics -

God Love Her Lyrics by Toby Keith
She always had a thing about fallin’ in love with a bad boy
Yeah they could see it all comin
But her daddy never dreamed
She’d grow up that fast, you know what I mean
The way a girls gets when she turns seventeen, kinda crazy
She’s a rebel child and a preacher’s daughter (ok - not that part)
She was baptized in dirty water ...

That's the part I thought was hysterical! When I got home, I told everyone about it - and laughed like crazy. Then I called Julie and told her. The next day I told Matt, and one of the girls at work! "Baptized in dirty water "! I'm sure I can find a use for this new phase somewhere.

And the last lines to the chorus?
God love her
Oh me and God love her
God love her
Me and God love her

Thank God He loves me - and has watched over me for so many years.
He restored my sanity. He sent me Julie, and Joe, and JR, and Matt. Enough people who love me.
And He gave me sisters and brothers who love me.
I am so blessed!

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