Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm in Columbus

Last Thursday I drove up to Columbus to help with Dad.  Elaine was up earlier in the week - from Monday through Wednesday morning, when she had to leave to travel to San Francisco.  Elaine helped Dad with his Christmas cards, and other tasks he assigned to her. 

Thursday was a busy day.  When I arrived, Dad was in bed, waiting for the nurse's visit, and the nurse aid visit to bathe him.  He also was expecting some equipment deliveries.  We talked some, but Dad was sleepy.  I was amazed as his ability to start a sentance, fall asleep, and wake up 2 minutes later and finish it.  He asked me 4 times what day it was - and finally was able to say he was concerned about getting his lottery tickets before Friday!  We did his scratch offs, and he won 18 dollars - enough to buy his weekend tickets and more scratch offs.  He was happy!

As the day wore on he was even more tired and groggy.  During the course of the day Dad fell twice when he tried to go the bathroom.  He was very insistant that he wanted to walk with his walker to the bathroom, instead of being rolled down.  The second time was too scary - so we told him he had to stay in bed - which didn't make him happy - let's just say. 

We started to get more concerned about his groggyness, especially when he started slurring his words in the evening while talking to Lauren.  So - we called the hospice nurse about his methadone dose.  She said that sleepiness happens a lot for patients on methadone and we should continue to give him his pill - so we did.  The daytime nurse (Betsey) had explained to me that the methadone he was on was for long term pain, and the liquid morphine for breakthrough pain. 

By Friday Dad was totally out of it.  He didn't speak, barely moved, just slept.  Stan spoke to Betsey early Friday morning and she said she was coming for a visit instead of just calling to check on Dad.  We held back the methadone, since Dad was feeling no pain.  Carolyn stayed home from work.  We watched over Dad, tried to decorate for Christmas, consulted with Betsey, took delivery of a hospital bed, a bedside commode, linnens and other equipment for Dad.  We tried to feed Dad some - some broth, some fruit coctail.  We switched him over to the hospital bed without him even waking up!  We continued to hold back on the methadone.

Saturday morning Dad was a little more lucid.  He was awake some, fussed at me some, but still not all there.  JR and Les drove up to Columbus to help me in the afternoon and evening so Carolyn's family could have a day and night out.  We talked with the nurse who visited him, and she explained the purpose of more of his medications.  Three times we lifted him out of bed!  He told Les she tasted like lasagna when she kissed him hello!  He ate a few bites of ham but thats pretty much all he ate all day. 

And today - at 4AM he managed to get up and fall again.  He scraped his arm, but other than that no other injuries.  We are anxious for the nurse to come, and Jason.  Caroyln and I just got him out of bed ourselves - whew!  We are still holding back on the methadone, just treating his pain with liquid morphine.  JR suggested we get a medicine syringe to give him his morphine, so he doesn't have to be laying on his back.  Some times you are such on top of a thing that you can't see the easy solution!

Dad has come to rely on Stan, and is comforted when he is in the house.  Stan "sleeps" downstairs at night so he can hear him.  We have a baby moniter in Dad'sroom, and he listens for the russling of  rsheets.  We learn each day a little more how to care for him.

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