Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thoughts about Dad

Earlier this week I was putting lotion on my shins because my skin was so dry. I had on footie socks, and as I spread the lotion I thought "I have Dad's legs". I remember clearly the shape of his lower legs, and the way they looked as he laid in bed with his footie socks on. Mine look exactly the same - as least from my upside down view.
As the time draws nearer for Dad's memorial in Florida, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about him. Somehow I can't get beyond the last week we spent together. I think a lot about his last few days. This morning I woke up at 4:30 and laid in bed thinking about Dad. After half an hour, I just decided to get up and do something other than dwell on him. What's my deal?


  1. After almost 10 years I still miss my mom and sometimes I still have the thought that I should give her a call and then remember that I can't. I know that it has to be doubly tough for all of you. I don't think we ever get over thinking about our parents and missing them. I remember being out to dinner several years after mom died and would start to think about her and get teary eyed in the restaurant. I continue to think of all of you and will keep praying for your healing.
    Love, Marianne

  2. Agreed. My dad has been with our Father for over two years now and I still feel like a little girl missing her dad. I always will. So will you. We had wonderful, funny, smart, loving, sensitive dads. I thank God for that gift.
