Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter Thaw

I realize I haven't posted much since the beginning of the year - and now it's officially mid-January. It seems like I've beend spending time working, and trying to stay warm. That's about all. We had a cold spell hit after Christmas, and I have been freezing. But today - it will hit 45 degrees! I was contemplating Spring planting on the way in to work, thinking about finally planting those Sweet Gum trees I've been wanting for the past 5 years.
Signs of a short winter thaw: I turned my car heater down to 73 (from 78), I left the car window open at the drive thru this morning, I didn't wear a jacket over my 2 layers of blouses today (last Friday, 2 blouses and a jacket, and my winter coat), and I didn't turn the space heater on in my dressing room today.
The next cold spell will be brutal - but I'm enjoying the thaw.

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