Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Phones

Last Saturday we all got new phones. JR dropped his pone in a bucket of paint thinner and melted one. Our contract was up with Nextel, so we switched to Verizon. Much better service at home.
Joe and I each got a Palm Pre, JR and Les LG Chocolates. I guess I have finally reached the age where I can't work new electronic gadgets. The new phones have fixed my "talking on the phone while driving" habit - since I can't figure out how to call anyone - or how to find their number.
Yesterday I took a picture of a tree Joe and I planted last fall - I was able to upload it to facebook - so that was cool. Can't find where it resides on my phone though. I had to upload to facebook, and download to my PC.
The Palm Pre has lots of great features - if I can just figure out how to use them. And how to call someone.

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