Yesterday was Good Friday. It was a beautiful day - 84 degrees and sunny. I left late morning to go to the cemetery to make a round of visits. I stopped first to buy flowers, and brought along a plastic Bengal cup as a vase. At old St. Joseph Cemetery I stopped first at Mom and Dad's place. I dropped off an Easter lily, and sat for a few moments, said some prayers. I actually didn't want to stay too long, I am still so sad that they are both gone. The next stop was Grandpa and Grandma Perzel - John and Mary Perzel. I dropped off some mums and said some more prayers.
My next stop was at the new St. Joseph Cemetery where I visited Joe's Mom and Dad, Bob and Ruth Kessen, dropped of more mums. Then I went on a search for Joe's brother Ron. In the past, I have not been able to locate him. But, following Joe's sister Donna's instructions, I found him this time. In the same section as Bob and Ruth, 2 1/2 trees up the hill, about 14 markers in from the road. Once I found him, I filled the Bengals cup with water and left some cut flowers for him. More prayers were said.
After my visit with the deceased family members, I stopped by Donna's house for a late lunch. My niece Kristin also came over, and a couple of Donna's friends. We ate fish from the Alabama Fish Market, sunned ourselves on the deck, and talked. For several hours. It was peaceful and relaxing.
I wondered if my actions dishonored the great sacrifice that Jesus made on that day, because I didn't spend the day in sorrowful prayer, contemplating His death. I think that I spent the day enjoying the life that Jesus died to give me, honoring the dead, and enjoying the living. It's all good.
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