Last night I spent some time calling Aunts, Uncles, and friends of Dad - letting them know his status. I emailed some cousins - took the easy way out. I asked Joe to call Matt and Curt (to prepare Julie) which he gladly did for me. But in the end, I spoke to her myself. I told JR when he came home from work. It was extremely stressful - in spite of the 2 xanax I took in order to get through all the calls without blubbering.
This morning I'm still suffering from some medication hangover.
But - life goes on. I have to get a lot of work done this morning as I was too upset yesterday - and I have deadlines today.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'm So Sad

Dad will be moving to Columbus to stay with Carolyn as soon as possible - early next week. I spoke to Carolyn today. I warned her that Dad sounds like he is going to Columbus to die. I wanted to warn her.
Until then, they are looking for an oncologist in Columbus to begin his treatment as soon as possible - before it's too late.
Please pray for him.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dad had surgery today. Up until now they said it wasn't his heart, his stomach, and wasn't vascular. They wanted to go in with a camera and see what the could see. They found cancer. Mesothelioma - caused by asbestos. Right now that's all we know.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dad's in the Hospital
Dad has been having some breathing problems for the past 3 weeks - since he drove up to visit from Florida. Yesterday he went in to the hospital via the emergency room. They drained 2 liters of fluid off his lungs! Now they are searching for the cause of the problem. Unfortunately the fluid wasn't infected or just clear - that would have been best. It was bloody - which is bad. They mentioned the C word, and malignancy has moved higher up on the list. They were questioning Dad about his smoking habits from 30+ years ago.
Luckily Carolyn happened to be heading to Florida this week, so she, Stan, and Emily will be there until Friday at least. They are running a full body scan today, and some CT scans. The doctor's say that now that the fluid is drained, they can see around it better. After the scans it will probably take until Monday before we hear something.
I've emailed Father Ronnie at Dad's church and asked him to pray for Dad. I also added him to the parish prayer list. This is the most I can do for now.
Please pray for my Dad - Elmer Perzel.
Luckily Carolyn happened to be heading to Florida this week, so she, Stan, and Emily will be there until Friday at least. They are running a full body scan today, and some CT scans. The doctor's say that now that the fluid is drained, they can see around it better. After the scans it will probably take until Monday before we hear something.
I've emailed Father Ronnie at Dad's church and asked him to pray for Dad. I also added him to the parish prayer list. This is the most I can do for now.
Please pray for my Dad - Elmer Perzel.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Matt's Coming for a Visit
Matt will be home around the 4th of August, until the 12th or 13th. He broke up with his girlfriend, who was supposed to be flying to OKC to visit him during that time. I suggested he come home and he agreed.
He said if he leaves for home when he gets off work and the 3rd, and drives all night, he should make it in time for lunch at Skyline.
He said if he leaves for home when he gets off work and the 3rd, and drives all night, he should make it in time for lunch at Skyline.
Shoulder News
Well, my daily physical therapy session are finished. Now I'm going to 3 days a week, if my insurance agrees. The doctor lowered the dosage of my pain meds, so we'll see how that goes as well. I saw the doctor yesterday, and he was happy with my progress. The 2 areas that are going the slowest are the ones he said always come in last.
I was crying in PT on Monday - for the first time. All these little old ladies were comforting me afterward - it was so sweet. They talked to me in the workout area and in the parking lot. They encouraged me and told me it would be worth it - stick it out. I know it will be worth it - it just hurt really bad - probably because I didn't do my weekend exercises (although I don't have any that actually help with the area that was the most painful).
I was crying in PT on Monday - for the first time. All these little old ladies were comforting me afterward - it was so sweet. They talked to me in the workout area and in the parking lot. They encouraged me and told me it would be worth it - stick it out. I know it will be worth it - it just hurt really bad - probably because I didn't do my weekend exercises (although I don't have any that actually help with the area that was the most painful).
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday Night Campfire
Last night I was too restless to sit around watching TV all night - so I suggested we have a campfire. JR and Les went to the store and bought 'Smores fixings - and I got out our bug lantern and the yard chairs. We started the fire around 8 - 9. It was so nice - the four of us sitting around talking and watching the campfire. We talked about work, about life, about growing up, about JR and Les's school experience, about employers, about pets. How wonderful to share grown-up experiences with your children - and to listen to their thoughts about life.
The night sky was beautiful!

Someone like huge flames!
Someone like huge flames!
Ty's Baseball Game
Weekend Update
It's been a crazy time since my shoulder was worked on last Wednesday. I am doing physical therapy every day - and my arm hurts like crazy. The PT involves lots of stretching or my arm, in particular, stretching where it doesn't want to go. It's painful- but must be done.
Yesterday I worked all morning - I have some critical deadlines on Monday and Tuesday and the pain meds are making it hard for me to concentrate. Joe worked until late in the day - so I kept myself busy doing yard work. I read an article that talked about using old things that are sitting around to decorate your garden. So - I took our old porch swing and sat it on 2 concrete blocks - and then set 2 pots of flowers on it. It looks nice - and it's sitting in the front flower bed.
I trimmed some wild rose bushes, and mowed the yard. I'm also working on putting away all the stuff that was in the office. We cleared it out to paint it, and now everything must go back. I'm trying to sort and discard first, though.
Tomorrow, back to work. PT is scheduled for 8:oo AM all week - it will be interesting to see how I handle driving to work.
Yesterday I worked all morning - I have some critical deadlines on Monday and Tuesday and the pain meds are making it hard for me to concentrate. Joe worked until late in the day - so I kept myself busy doing yard work. I read an article that talked about using old things that are sitting around to decorate your garden. So - I took our old porch swing and sat it on 2 concrete blocks - and then set 2 pots of flowers on it. It looks nice - and it's sitting in the front flower bed.
I trimmed some wild rose bushes, and mowed the yard. I'm also working on putting away all the stuff that was in the office. We cleared it out to paint it, and now everything must go back. I'm trying to sort and discard first, though.
Tomorrow, back to work. PT is scheduled for 8:oo AM all week - it will be interesting to see how I handle driving to work.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
JR's 27th Birthday
With all the excitment going on, I forgot to blog JR's birthday. We requested a German Chocolate cake. So, lucky for me they have boxed German Chocolate cake and canned coconut pecan icing. His birthday was actually the 29th of June.
JR has matured into such fabulous person. He is kind, thoughtful, caring, responsible, hard working, and fun to be around. The fact that he is adult is really telling in his birthday celebration - it was a work night. The day before I had done a ton of yard work - so I was exhausted and fell asleep in my chair early in the evening. I woke up when Joe went to bed - around 10:30 and started making JR's cake. By 1:30 it was done. I say this because I think it demonstrates the rules that drive me - no way would there not be a birthday cake of some kind. He came upstairs around midnight and was shocked that I was making his cake - he thought I was nuts to started it so late just for him.
Happy Birthday, Joe.
JR has matured into such fabulous person. He is kind, thoughtful, caring, responsible, hard working, and fun to be around. The fact that he is adult is really telling in his birthday celebration - it was a work night. The day before I had done a ton of yard work - so I was exhausted and fell asleep in my chair early in the evening. I woke up when Joe went to bed - around 10:30 and started making JR's cake. By 1:30 it was done. I say this because I think it demonstrates the rules that drive me - no way would there not be a birthday cake of some kind. He came upstairs around midnight and was shocked that I was making his cake - he thought I was nuts to started it so late just for him.
Happy Birthday, Joe.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Frozen Shoulder Update
Frozen shoulder is basically when there are capsules that were holding my shoulder in place and not allowing it to move. Because these have been in place for quite a while, my muscles have tightened and shrunk. The manipulation is basically a breaking of the capsules. The physical therapy's purpose is to re stretch the muscles. The doctor ordered 2 weeks of every day PT, and 4 weeks of 3 times a week PT. We'll see what the insurance authorizes.
We had to be at the hospital and 5:30AM. I actually work last night until 2:00 AM and then just got ready to go to the hospital. I thought I would get lots of sleep today. A the hospital they ran some tests, and the procedure began. My frozen shoulder manipulation went great today. Thirteen hours ago I wouldn't have said that. I woke from the manipulation to tremendous, horrible pain. The nurse worked to make me feel better - but for the first 20 minutes I cried and writhed in pain. Apparently the pain meds were to be delivered in small doses. Eventually - between the morphine and the 2 Vicodin - the pain was manageable. In fact, when we left the hospital at 10:30 AM, we stopped at Biggs for my prescription and grocery shopping before we got home. Once we were home, after lunch, I washed shades from Joe's office, watered all my plants in the yard, worked on my laptop some, and helped Joe bring up office furniture from the basement. Then Joe took me to physical therapy.
My therapist's name is Tim Lees, and he is awesome. He was very happy with the progress I've made, thanks to the manipulation. I told him that I'm sure that I'll cry some during therapy - but I don't want that to stop him - I want to work through it so I don't have to have my shoulder re-manipulated. He just looked at me and said - OK. So - I go back tomorrow at 4:30.
Joe is heading to bed now - and I'm still up. I haven't been to sleep except for during the manipulation and a few cat naps in the car since yesterday morning. Not sure what's up with that, but I'm ready to do a little more work and maybe wash the shades in the living room. I'm insane!
We had to be at the hospital and 5:30AM. I actually work last night until 2:00 AM and then just got ready to go to the hospital. I thought I would get lots of sleep today. A the hospital they ran some tests, and the procedure began. My frozen shoulder manipulation went great today. Thirteen hours ago I wouldn't have said that. I woke from the manipulation to tremendous, horrible pain. The nurse worked to make me feel better - but for the first 20 minutes I cried and writhed in pain. Apparently the pain meds were to be delivered in small doses. Eventually - between the morphine and the 2 Vicodin - the pain was manageable. In fact, when we left the hospital at 10:30 AM, we stopped at Biggs for my prescription and grocery shopping before we got home. Once we were home, after lunch, I washed shades from Joe's office, watered all my plants in the yard, worked on my laptop some, and helped Joe bring up office furniture from the basement. Then Joe took me to physical therapy.
My therapist's name is Tim Lees, and he is awesome. He was very happy with the progress I've made, thanks to the manipulation. I told him that I'm sure that I'll cry some during therapy - but I don't want that to stop him - I want to work through it so I don't have to have my shoulder re-manipulated. He just looked at me and said - OK. So - I go back tomorrow at 4:30.
Joe is heading to bed now - and I'm still up. I haven't been to sleep except for during the manipulation and a few cat naps in the car since yesterday morning. Not sure what's up with that, but I'm ready to do a little more work and maybe wash the shades in the living room. I'm insane!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Frozen Shoulder
Well - tomorrow is the day my shoulder will be "unfrozen". At least that is the current plan. I meet with the doctor this afternoon again. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM! The procedure is scheduled for 8:30 - and from what I hear, they basically will move (manipulate) my arm to the places it should go, but won't go now. The purpose is to break the scar tissue that is keeping the arm from going where it is designed to go. Physical therapy starts tomorrow at 4:30 ... don't want my arm freeze up again.
We'll see how it all goes - but I'm ready for my arm to work again.
We'll see how it all goes - but I'm ready for my arm to work again.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Summer flowers
I have been working hard this year on my flowers and vegetables. I haven't done this for years! Here are some pictures of my gardens over the July 4th weekend.
In this picture you can barely see the last yellow buttercup in bloom. These buttercups came to me via Julie and Mom - she had them at her house in Delhi and gave a some to Julie who gave some to me.

A pot of marigolds
In this picture you can barely see the last yellow buttercup in bloom. These buttercups came to me via Julie and Mom - she had them at her house in Delhi and gave a some to Julie who gave some to me.
A pot of marigolds
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Camping in the Back Yard
Ty, Leah, and I camped out in the back yard on Thursday night. It was a wonderful night! Leah told her Mom that she was "SO EXCITED to be camping with Grammie!"
Joe had all the work - setting up the tent and torches, blowing up the air mattress, getting the firewood for the campfire. He did stay out with us and enjoy the campfire, tossed ball with Ty, played with Leah. Then he went in and went to bed in our cozy bed (he had to work the next day).
I forgot how good Smores taste! OMG! And marshmallows cooked on a campfire - heaven.
We went to bed about 10:00 PM, snapped some pictures, told corny jokes, played Old Maid and Checkers. Then lanterns out and we were asleep. Early morning I woke up - the air in the mattress was gone and I needed to go to the restroom. I waited as long as I could - hoping when I unzipped the tent it would be light outside - no such luck. I trooped up to the house and discovered it was 4:30 AM.
Like a true camper, I went back out to the tent, zipped up the door, and snuggled up with Leah on the hard ground. I couldn't leave them out there alone!
I heard the neighbor leave for work at 5:00AM, and Joe and Les come home from the casino - but that was all. We all woke up again at 7:07AM and decided our camping was over - we went into the house. I couldn't convince anyone to go back to bed - so the next day began. Camping was a blast - and we hope to do it again soon!

Joe had all the work - setting up the tent and torches, blowing up the air mattress, getting the firewood for the campfire. He did stay out with us and enjoy the campfire, tossed ball with Ty, played with Leah. Then he went in and went to bed in our cozy bed (he had to work the next day).
I forgot how good Smores taste! OMG! And marshmallows cooked on a campfire - heaven.
We went to bed about 10:00 PM, snapped some pictures, told corny jokes, played Old Maid and Checkers. Then lanterns out and we were asleep. Early morning I woke up - the air in the mattress was gone and I needed to go to the restroom. I waited as long as I could - hoping when I unzipped the tent it would be light outside - no such luck. I trooped up to the house and discovered it was 4:30 AM.
Like a true camper, I went back out to the tent, zipped up the door, and snuggled up with Leah on the hard ground. I couldn't leave them out there alone!
I heard the neighbor leave for work at 5:00AM, and Joe and Les come home from the casino - but that was all. We all woke up again at 7:07AM and decided our camping was over - we went into the house. I couldn't convince anyone to go back to bed - so the next day began. Camping was a blast - and we hope to do it again soon!

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