Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Update

It's been a crazy time since my shoulder was worked on last Wednesday. I am doing physical therapy every day - and my arm hurts like crazy. The PT involves lots of stretching or my arm, in particular, stretching where it doesn't want to go. It's painful- but must be done.

Yesterday I worked all morning - I have some critical deadlines on Monday and Tuesday and the pain meds are making it hard for me to concentrate. Joe worked until late in the day - so I kept myself busy doing yard work. I read an article that talked about using old things that are sitting around to decorate your garden. So - I took our old porch swing and sat it on 2 concrete blocks - and then set 2 pots of flowers on it. It looks nice - and it's sitting in the front flower bed.

I trimmed some wild rose bushes, and mowed the yard. I'm also working on putting away all the stuff that was in the office. We cleared it out to paint it, and now everything must go back. I'm trying to sort and discard first, though.

Tomorrow, back to work. PT is scheduled for 8:oo AM all week - it will be interesting to see how I handle driving to work.

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