Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shoulder News

Well, my daily physical therapy session are finished. Now I'm going to 3 days a week, if my insurance agrees. The doctor lowered the dosage of my pain meds, so we'll see how that goes as well. I saw the doctor yesterday, and he was happy with my progress. The 2 areas that are going the slowest are the ones he said always come in last.

I was crying in PT on Monday - for the first time. All these little old ladies were comforting me afterward - it was so sweet. They talked to me in the workout area and in the parking lot. They encouraged me and told me it would be worth it - stick it out. I know it will be worth it - it just hurt really bad - probably because I didn't do my weekend exercises (although I don't have any that actually help with the area that was the most painful).

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