Sunday, July 5, 2009

Camping in the Back Yard

Ty, Leah, and I camped out in the back yard on Thursday night. It was a wonderful night! Leah told her Mom that she was "SO EXCITED to be camping with Grammie!"
Joe had all the work - setting up the tent and torches, blowing up the air mattress, getting the firewood for the campfire. He did stay out with us and enjoy the campfire, tossed ball with Ty, played with Leah. Then he went in and went to bed in our cozy bed (he had to work the next day).
I forgot how good Smores taste! OMG! And marshmallows cooked on a campfire - heaven.
We went to bed about 10:00 PM, snapped some pictures, told corny jokes, played Old Maid and Checkers. Then lanterns out and we were asleep. Early morning I woke up - the air in the mattress was gone and I needed to go to the restroom. I waited as long as I could - hoping when I unzipped the tent it would be light outside - no such luck. I trooped up to the house and discovered it was 4:30 AM.
Like a true camper, I went back out to the tent, zipped up the door, and snuggled up with Leah on the hard ground. I couldn't leave them out there alone!
I heard the neighbor leave for work at 5:00AM, and Joe and Les come home from the casino - but that was all. We all woke up again at 7:07AM and decided our camping was over - we went into the house. I couldn't convince anyone to go back to bed - so the next day began. Camping was a blast - and we hope to do it again soon!

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