Saturday, January 30, 2010

Leah - again

Julie's note in Facebook:
Yesterday as we were talking about what bedtime story we were going to read I joked with her about reading "101 Different Ways to be Leah" (An imaginary book of course). Leah said "Oh mom, that book would be too short." I was thinking short?? How could 101 things be short?? Before I could even respond she said, "Page 1. Be a Perzel Woman. The End." I so very much love her......

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thoughts about Dad

Earlier this week I was putting lotion on my shins because my skin was so dry. I had on footie socks, and as I spread the lotion I thought "I have Dad's legs". I remember clearly the shape of his lower legs, and the way they looked as he laid in bed with his footie socks on. Mine look exactly the same - as least from my upside down view.
As the time draws nearer for Dad's memorial in Florida, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about him. Somehow I can't get beyond the last week we spent together. I think a lot about his last few days. This morning I woke up at 4:30 and laid in bed thinking about Dad. After half an hour, I just decided to get up and do something other than dwell on him. What's my deal?

Rita Girls

Julie shared this with me today. She and Leah were having a discussion about some personal quality they lacked - like we'll never be super skinny people. And Leah made this comment: "But we'll always be Rita Girls, right Mom?" She said "You're so right." :-)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter Thaw

I realize I haven't posted much since the beginning of the year - and now it's officially mid-January. It seems like I've beend spending time working, and trying to stay warm. That's about all. We had a cold spell hit after Christmas, and I have been freezing. But today - it will hit 45 degrees! I was contemplating Spring planting on the way in to work, thinking about finally planting those Sweet Gum trees I've been wanting for the past 5 years.
Signs of a short winter thaw: I turned my car heater down to 73 (from 78), I left the car window open at the drive thru this morning, I didn't wear a jacket over my 2 layers of blouses today (last Friday, 2 blouses and a jacket, and my winter coat), and I didn't turn the space heater on in my dressing room today.
The next cold spell will be brutal - but I'm enjoying the thaw.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010

I've been trying to gather my thoughts on where I want to go in 2010 - what projects I need to focus on. I've come up with three things:
Pruning - cutting out the things that clutter my life
1. Each month, focus on de-cluttering one room in the house. Some will take the entire month, some a weekend. Donate books, used furniture, decorations. Organize paperwork.
2. In early Spring, clear out old landscaping in the front of the house.
3. Lose 10 pounds.
4. Cut back to 1 can of soda per day.
Sewing - Sew seeds of improvement in my life.
1. Plant 3 new trees in the yard.
2. At least once every 3 months read a book to learn something, then implement it.
3. Introduce Leah to the tradition of sewing - on Mom's machine.
4. Connection - stay in contact with the older ones - Mom and Dad's siblings.
Growing - Focus on growing spiritually, strengthening myself physically, improving my people skills.
1. Pray more - say the rosary at least once a month. Read the book of Psalms.
2. Focus on my listening skills - listen to others more, don't take over a conversation, or entertain.
3. Walk more - build my walking distance. Work on my upper body strength.
4. Professionally - focus more at work so I can accomplish more in the same amount of time.