Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Busy Weekend

This weekend we were crazy busy.  According to my plan, I was going to make my first batch of homemade sausage this weekend.  But instead we left Friday morning for Flint, Michigan - a 5 hour drive.  We picked up some friends and went to the home of Chris and Terry Brady in Columbiaville, Michigan.  There we attended a leadership learning session that was exciting and informative.  Afterward we visited with Mike and Nancy Jones, our friends from Linden, Michigan where we watched a video of Louie Giglio that was inspriring!  We returned home Saturday evening and picked up Ty who was spending the night.  Joe was taking him to Sunday School, while I was watching Leah at her cheerleading competition Sunday morning.  Curt and Julie went to the Bengals game on Sunday, so Ty was with us until dinner time.  Leah was with friends - so she and grammie didn't get to make cookies. :(

Ty went to bed earliy - at 8:15!

Leah's team took 1st place Overall in the cheerleading competition!
After she was awarded her trophy and roses she told her Mom "This is the best day of my lefe!"   

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