Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update on Dad

Dad received the results of last week's CT scan, and the news is not good. The original cancer has grown, and there are some new spots. Because of this result he was taken off the trial study. He told me today that he is taking a pill that is his new "chemo" treatment - but the doctor said the pill doen't have very good results. He will no longer need the weekly blood draws - and in fact does not hve to return to the Zangmeister Center for "a couple of months". The pain in his side is not from the drainage tube from last summer, but from the cancer. Dad was put on a patch for pain. Dad has mixed emotions about the results. Obviously he is sad. He is talking about getting back to Florida while he still can. When we hung up, he was crying and I was crying. The last time I saw Dad cry was Uncle John's funeral.
Later in the day he called again, right when I was thinking about calling to make sure he was OK. He asked me something about the infamous "document", told me he was having trouble printing from his computer - and could I help, and discussed getting Julie a meat grinder for Christmas so she could make goetta and sausage.

1 comment:

Marianne Peck said...

Dear Barb,
I am so sorry to hear that the news was not good today. I called my dad to tell him and he will give your dad a call probably tomorrow. I told him to call me before he does so I can report to him what is on Carolyn's blog. I will continue to pray for Uncle Elmer and for all of you. I know that this is a rough time for all of you.
Love, Marianne