Sunday, October 4, 2009

Columbus Visit

I spent Thursday and Friday in Columbus visiting Dad. On Thursday, Dad gave me my early Christmas present - a meat grinder to use while making sausage. I was in "sausage maker training" Thursday afternoon. I can't wait! It w ill be 2 weeks before I can make my first batch - but I have all the ingredients - I just need the time. Dad also gave me my first taste of Head Cheese. He had some that Bill brought up frame a Slovak butcher in Atlanta. It actually wasn't too bad, although I don't think I'll be buying any on my own.

Dad and I also worked on "the document", took it to Kinko's, decided I needed to work on it some more. Literally I spent 4 - 5 hours getting it prettied up. On Friday we went to the Zangmeister Center for Dad's CT scan. This will tell us how the chemo is doing - if the cancer is progressing, or if it has halted. Results will be in next Wednesday, when he goes for his next chemo treatment. We visited Kinko's a couple more times - and I believe the document was ready to mail when I left around 5:00 PM on Friday.

Here are a couple of pictures from Skyline on Thursday night. As for Dad, his hair is greyer, he's walking a little slower, he's also walking a little more stooped over, and he is still having pain in his side from where they drained his lung this summer (which might be why he is walking around stooped over). Dad desperately wants to return to Florida. He's trying to work out a way to get his blood draws in Florida, and his chemo every 3 weeks in Ohio.

Oh - and wonder of wonders, "the document" has been put in the mail to Dad's Condo Association.

Emily and Carolyn

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